About Me

Hi there! My name is Joe. Nice to meet you :)

I run the show here at Coffee. Black., and / or blackcoffeemorning.com.

I make photos of special moments into beautiful sketches and paintings, and have made thousands on thousands of pieces for extremely satisfied clients. I take pride in my work, my art, and find joy in connections to clients, and their stories. You can see my reviews here!

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Media Design, as well as Master's Degrees in both Business, and Information Systems. While I'm good at what I do from a business standpoint, my heart always drove me back to art and I've been working in this field for nearly a decade now.

I love black coffee, painting, and watching the sunrise.
I have a passion for capturing life's most beautiful moments through art, and also work as a wedding photographer.

I used to work a steady but terrible dead end job I hated until I decided to risk it all on a life filled with things I love. To be fair, I also had newborn twins at the time whom I missed terribly and wanted to grow with, in my role as their father. I'm one of those sorts who has a constant desire for self revelation and growth.

Now I have a wonderful family, with a loving wife, and two adorable kids in kindergarten. Crystal, my wife, teaches at the local elementary school. She keeps me grounded. She is a constant giver, the heart of our home, and holds us all together. Abigail, my daughter, is a strong willed, independent, creative. She loves drawing, plants, and hopes to be a "plant scientist," one day. My son Maximus has the biggest heart of any boy I've ever met. He also loves solving puzzles, and dreams of one day inventing a "maker machine."

I also have the best small group of friends that a guy could ask for. We travel to far off places, tell amazing tales, and go on countless adventures, all from the comfort of a dining room table. (We're nerds and we play games.) We've also spent many a night painting together, breaking bread, and enjoying occasional non-coffee beverages. Really though we are by each others' sides through thick and thin, and I couldn't imagine this journey with a finer crew.

There is a ton more I'm sure I could write here, but I want to hear about YOU and the stories behind your piece. I'm an open book though, so if you have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer and you can reach me here :)
